Abortion in Gurgaon: What You Need to Know

A one-day medical procedure called a “surgical abortion,” also known as an in-clinic abortion, terminates a pregnancy. Usually, it occurs in an abortion clinic or a doctor’s office. You can choose to have an in-clinic abortion if you’re in the first or early second trimester of your pregnancy.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the in-clinic abortion process and what to anticipate during a visit.

How Can You Get Ready for an Abortion in a Clinic

Find out all the conditions in advance if you’re considering having an abortion in a clinic. Pre-abortion counseling is often required before the procedure in many states. You may sometimes need to wait 24 hours between counseling and the procedure. Therefore, it is best to call your doctor or the clinic before going.

It’s wise to get some things ready before your appointment. Make childcare arrangements if you have children. You might not be able to bring kids to your appointment.

You must plan transportation to and from the clinic once you have an appointment. The majority of in-clinic abortion procedures will involve sedatives and painkillers that can make you sleepy. You’ll need to make arrangements for a ride home afterward.

Some clinics will perform the procedure on the same day as your initial appointment. Over 14 weeks, pregnant women may require two to three extra appointments.

What Happens During an Abortion Procedure in a Clinic

In-clinic abortions come in a few different varieties. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, your doctor can advise you on which is best for you. Your doctor will perform this procedure using a gentle suction, medical equipment, local anesthesia, and oral painkillers that you take orally. The time will change depending on the kind of in-clinic abortion you have.

In-clinic abortions types include:

Suction abortion (also called vacuum aspiration): The most typical kind of in-clinic abortion is this one. Your doctor will advise you to do this if you are less than 14 weeks pregnant as of the first day of your most recent period. It takes between 5 and 10 minutes and is a quick, safe procedure. To ease any discomfort you might feel, the clinic may administer mild, moderate, or deep anesthesia.

If you’re less than 12 weeks pregnant, the entire appointment may take 3 hours. Your visit will last roughly 5 to 6 hours if you are 12 to 16 weeks pregnant.

Dilation and evacuation (D&E): This procedure is cutting-edge and is typically provided later in your pregnancy (after 14 to 16 weeks). The cervix, the canal connecting your uterus and vagina, is widened, and suction is used to empty your uterus during a D&E. The typical wait time is 15 to 45 minutes.

Does an Abortion Procedure Hurt

It’s possible to experience cramping during or after a surgical abortion. Your cramps could be more or less severe. Each person will experience different symptoms.

Abortions involving dilation and evacuation may hurt while being performed. The pain is somewhat sharper than cramps but still uncomfortable. Following the fetus’ removal by your doctor, you might experience uterine cramps.

You’ll likely experience more severe cramping for a few hours following your abortion.

What to Expect Following an Abortion in a Clinic?

You may experience minor bleeding and cramping immediately following the procedure, and you’ll need to take a short break. You will receive a heating pad and sanitary pad from the clinic staff. You can dress when you can.


Your doctor or nurse may ask you to remain in the same room or a recovery room for a few hours after you have rested so they can make sure the abortion was successful.

After that, you will meet with the doctor, who will instruct you on how to take care of your body. Additionally, they’ll write you a prescription for painkillers and antibiotics to prevent infections. Having someone drive you home after the procedure is crucial because the medication you take during the visit may cause you to become drowsy.

Once at home, make sure to get some rest. By the end of the day, the medication’s effects usually start to fade. You can typically return to regular activities one to two days after the procedure. Inform your doctor if you experience any adverse effects.

There are several complications to be on the lookout for:

  • Fever over 100 F or chills
  • Unbearable belly pain or cramps
  • Too much bleeding
  • Infection

Surgical evacuation is conducted by a vacuum suction evacuation. The procedure is painless and takes about 15 to 20 minutes. The stay in the hospital is less than 6 hours. This is followed by a course of antibiotics and supportive medicines.

The decision to terminate a pregnancy should be taken with total research and one should ensure that the place is registered and reliable. If you’re in a search of the nearest abortion clinic then, Dr. Deepti Asthana is the best option.

She is well-qualified and has vast knowledge in her field.

Don’t wait for the situation to get worse. Start caring about yourself and Book an appointment with us today!

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