Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome

Husband’s Role In Pregnancy Care


Owing to a sedentary lifestyle, most of the middle-aged young females now complain of delayed periods or hormonal disturbance. Some just discover it as an incidental finding on an ultrasound done for some other reason. The only question that troubles them after being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries is whether they will ever get pregnant or not? They are apprehensive, scared and anxious. But definitely, the answer to this is YES. Females should understand that conceiving with PCOS may take a little more time than a normal person but it is not impossible to conceive.

Females should not be too worried or anxious about this, as stress can further derange the hormonal balance of the body. So, exercising and doing normal destress therapy does help calm oneself. Your gynaecologist is the right person to consult to rule out if the hormones are out of phase or not. She would help you understand the pathology of polycystic ovarian syndrome and how does your polycystic ovary affect the ovulation process. We should understand that all patients of polycystic ovaries do not necessarily have polycystic ovarian syndrome. Your doctor will tell you the criterias to label a patient as having PCOS.

If the hormones are not too much deranged, such females can directly go on for fertility treatment. PCOD patients usually have problem in egg development or egg release , also known as ovulation process. Hence, females may require assistance in egg development or ovulation through medicines. Your doctor will prescribe the medications as per your findings. It is hence advisable to see your gynaecologist and not escalate your stress levels sitting at home. PCOS is definitely treatable but requires a little patience and a little extra exercise to increase your body metabolism and stay calm.

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